Friday, May 6, 2011

Flash Back for Q1 2011

It has been quite a while that I have not been updating my blog. It seems dead isn't it? yes indeed. almost 4 months no news as at all...i've been going through ups and downs and lots of obstacles along the way..but anyhow, things have to go on...same goes for my little blog probably i shall flash back some of the memories for Q1 2011.

Jan 2011
- trip  to fraser's hill as previous entry
- counting down for CNY
- clear backlog of 2010
- planning for 2011
- new PS3
- new PAD (Z-Pad) hehehhehe


Feb 2011
- CNY, with new addition to the family
- short trip to north with bee & family
- mini honeymoon with bee to PD with private swimming pool..yippie
- shorter hair

Mar 2011
March has been quite a stressful month..been OT-ing for 2 weeks till almost 10pm everynite cos bee was busy with his work..this was the time that i lost my appetite and slim down abit..but i dun like cos it was a depression period that i've gone through...but despite all the obstacles, i've even a better me!

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